Project – Residential Garage Floor, McMinnville Oregon
Size – 1,200 square feet
Time – 2 Days To Complete
Material Used – High Performance Polyurea, Polyurea crack filler
Each floor is different requiring different systems depending on the concrete. In this case we used a high performance polyurea rather than a garage floor epoxy coating.
The process was to grind the surface of the concrete to remove potential bond breakers, remove high spots in floor and open up the tiny air holes in the surface.
We filled the cracks with a polyurea crack filler that was compatible with our coating. This is an important step. Most crack fillers don’t have the ability to cure below grade and many lack the ability to flow to the bottom of the crack. As you can see from the side view above, the yellow line shows how the polyurea flows to the bottom of the crack and the pink arrows show holes we fill in the floor. Our filler absorbs into the walls of the crack creating a permanent filler and cures below grade. It also has enough flexibility to avoid cracks later.
Our top coat absorbs into the air holes in the surface and bonds to the crack filler. Most systems do not bond to the crack filler which becomes unsightly later.
The second coat is a thick coating which holds up to hot tires, brake fluid, grease and oil. This is an industrial grade product that is not sold off the shelf in hardware stores. It requires the proper equipment and training to apply. It’s a long term performing product that is easy to keep clean.
The color we used is gray with black and white Tuxedo chips. Contact us and we’ll be happy to explain the options whether a garage floor epoxy coating or polyurea application.