10 Red Flags to Spot a Bad Contractor
Remember many scam artists are very good at being charming and complimentary. A nice smile and lots of promises can often mask bad intentions. Below is a list of red flags to look out for when hiring any painting contractor. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and say no if something doesn’t feel or sound right.
No ID or license
Left over Materials
Quick Quotes or Quotes out of Thin Air
High Pressure Sales Approach
Fright Night Approach
Honest contractors will point out existing problems and recommend solutions. Con men will often exaggerate problems and warn you that they must be fixed immediately or the house will fall apart any minute.
No Portfolio, No Referrals, No Thank You
A Better Deal if you Pay in Cash
Cash only arrangements are often made to keep the job off the books in order to avoid paying the IRS. If you have a problem, you have no record of transaction and will have difficulty getting the problem resolved. Honest contractors sign contracts and keep written records.
Advanced Payments
Nothing in Writing, No Guarantees, No Timetables
Uninsured is Risky
Looking for these red flags will allow you avoid the shady contractors and scam artists and help you find the honest home contractors that will beautify your home or business.
Area We Serve
Oregon, Or, McMinnville, Portland, Newberg, Lake Oswego, Tigard, Dundee, Carlton, Wilsonville, Four Corners, West Linn, Beaverton, Salem, Keizer, Sherwood, ,Tualatin, Yamhill, Amity, Dayton, Dallas.